Information (news)

Information (news)
Updated Notice Regarding COVID-19 Booster Shots (June - July)

Nagano Prefecture has issued another guide explaining the step-by-step process on how to receive COVID-19 boos […]

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Information (news)
Now Accepting Submissions for the 17th Nagano International Perspective Photo Exhibit

Attention all International Nagano Residents! The Nagano Kencho is now accepting photo submissions to use in t […]

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Information (news)
Notice Regarding COVID-19 Booster Shots

Nagano Prefecture has published a brief guide explaining the step-by-step process on how to receive COVID-19 b […]

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Information (news)
Information on Receiving COVID-19 Booster (3rd Dose) Shots

Nagano Prefecture has released information for foreign residents about how to receive the COVID-19 booster sho […]

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Information (news)
Translations of Pre-vaccination Screening Questionnaire for the COVID-19 Vaccine

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has translated the Pre-vaccination Screening Questionnaire (予診票) for […]

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Information (news)
New Semester of Japanese Classes

Calling all students!  A new semester of Japanese classes will be held starting this April and continue t […]

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Information (news)
Quasi-State of Emergency Requests to Nagano Residents

In order to prevent the further spread of the Coronavirus in Nagano Prefecture, the government has issued the […]

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Information (news)
Winter Japanese Classroom is CANCELLED

Due to the implementation of quasi-state of emergency policies in Nagano Prefecture, the remaining Japanese Cl […]

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Information (news)
Disaster Prevention Information (Earthquakes)

Do you know what to do when an earthquake occurs? Do you know where your nearest evacuation center and shelter […]

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Information (news)
Japanese Classroom for January 24 is CANCELLED

The Japanese Classroom scheduled on January 24 is cancelled due to Coronavirus spread prevention measures. Tha […]

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