On-site Consultation Service

Fancy a chat?

The Nagano Prefecture Multicultural Consultation Center is coming to Okaya on October 24 from 10:00 a.m. ~ 3:00 p.m. Consultations are FREE and can be done in 15 languages, including English, Portuguese, Chinese, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

Please read the fliers for more information if you are interested.

English: 出張相談会  (英語).pdf

Japanese: 出張相談会( 日本語).pdf

Portuguese: ポルトガル語 岡谷出張相談会.pdf

Chinese: 出張相談会(中国語).pdf

Tagalog: 出張相談会(タガログ語).pdf

Vietnamese: 出張相談会(ベトナム語).pdf

Indonesian: 出張相談会(インドネシア語).pdf

Thai: 出張相談会(タイ語).pdf

